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January 2025 Newsletter

Posted Date: 1/24/25 (9:55 PM)

NPS Superintendent Monthly
January 2025
January with confetti
“January: The month of opportunity, the month of inspiration, and the month of change.”

We are in the full depths of winter as we feel the chill of the colder months and enter the second half of the school year. I have a few updates to share:
Protecting Our Students
Northampton is one of many sanctuary cities in Massachusetts opening its doors for immigrant and refugee families to have a new lease on life. Regardless of political beliefs, NPS is, at present, legally responsible for providing education to every child who resides within the city regardless of immigration status. There are safeguards in place to protect all students who are under our care. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was enacted in 1974 and protects the privacy of student education and is very clear on what student information we cannot share. 

Back in November 2024, a message was sent to the principals to remind them of the district’s protocols pertaining to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in schools and requests for information and how we should respond if an ICE agent shows up on school grounds. FERPA protections also extend to requests from ICE or other federal agencies. This week President Trump no longer considers schools sensitive locations where enforcement activities, like searches and arrests are not allowed. This week, the President no longer considers schools sensitive locations. Even with this change, we continue to uphold our students’ protections within compliance of the law. Also, NPS is working with the Northampton Police Department, the district's counsel, and city officials to ensure alignment of our procedures and practices.

Over the next four years, there will be many changes that may influence and affect K-12 public education. As a community, we will need to be vigilant, aware, and responsive to the needs of all children who attend NPS schools.

For more information and guidance, please check out this site from DESE and the Attorney General's office.

Know Your Rights presentations, handouts, and other materials (available in English, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Spanish)
Superintendent Bonner speaking at AI
This past week, I had the opportunity to participate on a panel discussing artificial intelligence (AI) with Leeds and Ryan Road 5th graders. Currently, the fifth graders at Leeds and Ryan Road, under the direction of Integration Specialist Greg Baker, discussed the pros and cons of AI and how it may affect education and law enforcement policies that will guide its usage. The student audience provided great thought-provoking questions and expressed concerns about how AI may lessen our creativity and ability to problem solve and think critically.

AI use in PreK-12 classrooms is multifaceted and ever evolving. We must be thoughtful in our approach and responsible in our use. Since this panel, I have been thinking, within the parameters of safety, ethical use, authenticity, and equity how the district will use the emerging technology in order to remain competitive in our global society. We are in the beginning stages of setting policy around the use of AI in our schools (I should say the continued use of AI), and I thank Director of Digital Literacy, Kate Zak, and the integration specialists in the district for helping us move forward.

Cell phones and Social Media

Over the past year, many states have moved to ban cell phones in schools. NPS has an unwritten policy that no cell phones will be used during instruction. Why is there a push to ban cell phones in schools? Research shows that there is a direct correlation to children’s mental health and cell phone use. Data supports that banning cell phones in school reduces bullying, unwanted audio and video recordings. Decreased cell phone use also leads to increased opportunities to build resilience.
Data shows that the use of social media affects students more negatively than others. Inappropriate use can lead to depression, body image shaming, cyberbullying, hateful speech and misconduct. Increased use can also lower academic performance, increase isolation, and suicidal ideation. Take a look at this study by Amy Orben, 2022.

The counter argument is that there are numerous benefits to using cell phones and social media such as safety and connecting to others. The school committee Rules and Policy subcommittee will begin to have conversations around guidelines and protections for NPS students and staff. Currently, there is legislation filed to consider a "Bell to Bell school ban of cell phones" statewide; the timing of the school committee's consideration is perfect.
Strategic Planning:

For opportunities to volunteer for some of the work groups, please submit your name to expressing your interest with:
1) Grade level of your child or staff position
2) School which your child attends or staff works
3) Reason of interest
4) Dates and times of availability.

Work groups are meant to be small to allow collaboration on design, development, output and or recommendation towards a specific objective.  We seek parent and staff representatives from elementary, middle and high school levels. 

Times of these work groups will vary depending on the facilitator's schedule.
snow ball fight
Inclement Weather Reminder
School delays, cancellations, and unscheduled early releases will be communicated via ParentSquare, channels 22 and 40 and the district's website (

Important times to remember:

Delays are usually for two (2) hours, schools will begin at the following times:
  • Elementary Arrival at 10:00AM
  • Middle School Arrival at 10:30AM
  • High School Arrival at 11:00AM

Early Dismissal times:
  • Elementary Dismissal at 11:30AM
  • Middle School Dismissal at 12:25PM
  • High School Dismissal at 12:50PM

For those cold days, please make sure your child is bundled up and dressed appropriately with gloves, hats, coats, scarves and appropriate footwear.
children reading books
District's Reading Challenge (Grades K-8)

The Challenge has launched and our students are reading. This partnership with the Forbes Library is encouraging Northampton children to read all year round! The purpose of the challenge is to build:

  • a community of readers.
  • students' fluency.
  • students' vocabulary.
  • students' background knowledge.
  • students' comprehension.
  • students' skills in understanding complex text.
  • a love of reading.

To date, the books students have read include:
Ryan Road - 325 books
Leeds - 556 books
Jackson Street - 384 books
JFK - 2,594 books

We will announce the recipients of the Fall challenge in the February newsletter.

Keep Reading! We hope that more students will join the challenge. For a copy of the reading log (log) Logs can be dropped off in the school library.

Peace, Unity and Joy
Dr. Portia S. Bonner
February 17 - President's Day
February 18-21 February Vacation

February 3 - Professional Development
Schools dismiss according to the following schedule:
  • Elementary 8:00-11:30AM
  • Middle School 8:30AM-12:25PM
  • High School 9:00AM-12:50PM
School lunch--pizza, veggies, fruit, milk
View the Freshampton website for menus and additional information about the Nutrition Department.
The Superintendent is looking parent and staff representation to serve on the Interview Committee for the JFK Principal. We hope to have parent representation from 6th and 7th grade, SEPAC and ELPAC and staff participation from each of the content areas. 

Please email statement of interest and identify your stakeholder group to before February 14.

Interviews will begin after February vacation with the dates and times to be determined.
UMass Women's Basketball
Ryan Road Elementary
RKFRR 5th grade went to watch the UMass Women's Basketball team play LaSalle University on Wednesday January 15.

Northampton High School
Northamptones performing at Winter Concert.
Northamptones performing
Superintendent Bonner speaking at AI panel
AI Panel
5th Graders at Ryan Road and Leeds Elementary Schools listened to Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra, Police Captain Corey Robinson, Kate Zak, Director of Digital Literacy and Superintendent Portia Bonner share information about AI.
JFK Band performing
JFK Band performing
Mr. Baker introduces the AI panel.
Captain Corey Robinson speaking during AI panel
Lauren Barry
Interested in learning more about family engagement and ELE learning opportunities? 
Please reach out to:
Lauren-Lee Barry
Family-Student Engagement  
& English Learner Education Coordinator
Northampton Public Schools 
Phone: 413.587.1481
Transition to Kindergarten Events
Do you have a child turning 5 on or before August 31, 2025? Kindergarten Registration Day will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Other "Transition to Kindergarten" events below.
Kinder registration flyer
Transition to Kindergarten
Transition to Kindergarten Spanish
Northampton a Leader in Early Education
Northampton Public Schools has hosted two groups of elementary, preschool and district leaders recently. This past December, DESE’s Early Learning Team, in collaboration with the Massachusetts School Administrators’ Association (MSAA), held their regional networking meeting for Principals and Early Childhood Coordinators in western MA. Northampton was selected as the site which we hosted at Leeds Elementary School.  The meeting included a school walk through led by Principal Wenz and Preschool & Partnership Coordinator Laura Frogameni. Kira Henniger, NPS Psychologist and MA Psychologist of the Year addressed the group. School leaders from fourteen area communities attended this professional development program to learn more about how PreK-5 education is brought to life in Northampton.

In January, the NPS Early Childhood Center and Northampton Preschool Partners hosted district and early education leaders from Worcester. A full site visit was conducted for the group who are Implementation Grantees of the Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Initiative (CPPI) grant. Northampton has held the CPPI grant since the fall of 2019. The grant funds Northampton's work to increase access to quality, inclusive early education and care programs in our city. As Worcester embarks on this work they were encouraged to visit us to learn how we've navigated challenges to build our successful preschool partnership model. Pictured below are the special education, grant and early education leaders from Worcester alongside some of Northampton's preschool special education and coaching staff.
Group of Early Education Team
Early Childhood Workshops
The NPS Early Childhood Center offers a series of FREE workshops and programs geared to families with young children ages 0-age 8. To register, click this link:

Below are two of the flyers - click the link above to see what else is available!
Smith College Play Dates
Caregiver Cafe
Wait Until 8th
Wait Until 8th Pledge
A parent writes a letter regarding Wait Until 8th, a parent pledge to delay giving kids smartphones.

Dear fellow parents and caregivers,
I just signed the Wait Until 8th pledge to delay giving my kids smartphones. The Wait Until 8th pledge empowers parents to rally together to delay giving children a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade. By banding together, this will decrease the pressure felt by kids and parents alike over the kids having a smartphone. There are so many reasons to waitand protect our kids' developing brains from bullying and distraction, unrealistic body imagery and pornography.

Many parents say “yes” to the smartphone early because so many other families have said “yes.” I know that every family's situation is unique; no judgement if you've already given your kids a smartphone or access to social media. We all did what we had to do to get through Covid and we continue to parent through challenging times. No pressure to adopt this pledge if it doesn't work for your family. What I'm hoping to do is to alleviate the pressure on those of us who would like to say "no" to smartphones and social media for a little longer. What if we said "not yet” together? What difference would it make if our kids had a few more years smartphone free? 

Please note that this pledge is for smartphones only. If you would like your child to have a basic phone that just calls and texts, you still can sign the pledge! The basic phone avoids many of the distractions and potential dangers of the smartphone.  There are several basic phones here.

A pledge becomes "active" once 10 or more families from a grade at a school sign. The organizers designed the pledge this way so you don't have to fear "what if I am the only parent that signs this in my kid's grade." This takes the pressure off because the pledge only kicks in once at least 10 families sign from your grade.
More than 90,000 families from all 50 states have said yes to waiting for the smartphone. Will you join us? 

To learn more and sign the pledge, please visit or check out Wait Until 8th’s Instagram account. 

If you're into it, join me, sign the pledge. If you're not interested, no worries at all. If you are on the fence, I encourage you to read this article from the Atlantic Monthly, End the Phone-Based Childhood Nowcheck out the book on which it was based, or feel free to talk to me about this.

Thank you for your time.
Sarit Shatken-Stern

"Everyday I feel the privilege of my children to attend NPS schools."
~ Sara Awaad
Anat Weisenfreund
Welcome Ward 2 School Committee Member
Anat Weisenfreund was appointed as the Ward 2 School Committee Member on January 13, 2025, during a joint Northampton City Council and School Committee meeting. Anat follows Karen Foster Cannon who stepped down in December.

Anat brings long-term commitment and care for the city, and a deep dedication to our children, families and educators. Anat has lived in Ward 2 for the past 8 years.

Anat has worked in leadership roles with high-risk infants, caregivers, and practitioners in hospital, educational, government and community settings for over 30 years. Since 2009, Anat has directed Community Action Pioneer Valley’s Head Start and Early Learning Programs, serving our communities’ most high-risk pregnant women, young children and families in a comprehensive and trauma-informed manner.

We welcome Anat and look forward to her expertise.
SAVE THE DATE! VINS annual dog show is Saturday, March 1. More information to follow.

For over forty years, hundreds of Northampton community members have been volunteering their time supporting education in city public schools through Volunteers in Northampton Schools (VINS). These volunteers are active in each of the schools helping out in many different ways. They read and play math games with elementary students, join classes for field trips or weekly outdoor nature studies, decorate hallways with student art, and visit classes to share a particular interest, expertise, or cultural background.

The program is managed by Coordinator, Andres Cucalon, who recruits, interviews, and places volunteers to match requests from teachers and school staff.

You are invited to join this effort in any of the following ways:

Become a VINS Volunteer or encourage a friend, neighbor or family member. Contact Andres Cucalon to fill out a form indicating your own interests and availability. Some volunteers contribute weekly or even daily while others come in once a year.

If you expect to join a class for a field trip, classroom activity, or field day, plan ahead by completing the state required CORI check. You can obtain a form from the VINS Coordinator or through your school office. The CORI is in effect for three years, and each school office maintains a list of eligible volunteers.

Support VINS through a donation. VINS is a non-profit organization separate from the school district with a modest yearly budget that covers coordination. Donations of any amount are welcome with a check to
Volunteers in Northampton Schools, Inc.
c/o RK Finn Ryan Road School
498 Ryan Road, Florence, MA 01062

Volunteer to join the VINS Board of Directors.
The Board meets once a month to advise and plan fund-raising like the ever-popular fun, free and not entirely serious Dog Show the first Saturday in March. Your ideas are always welcome.

Contact VINS at
Valley Community Development is currently accepting lottery applications for townhouse apartments at 23 Laurel Street. The deadline is February 1st and the lottery will take place on February 19th.

All information and application forms are available at
Northampton Public Schools is currently hiring for the following positions:
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Substitutes

These positions are available on School Spring or through the website.